Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goodbye BA

The last days of Buenos Aires were much better than the beginning. The climate was a warm 75 degress or so with very little cloudcover. I toured the different districts, viewed live tango shows, indulged in many parillas (inexpensive steakhouses with quality beef), and browsed the city markets. I met many travlers in the hostel that had covered much of south America. We all went out and shared war stories about the goods and the bads we had encountered in SA. Everyone that I spoke with echoed the same two things: they all got robbed (atleast once), and all thought Columbia was the best country in South America (La Paz, Bolivia is a close second). An unforgettable experience in Argentina, with and unforgettable cast. To Oktoberfest!

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous yall are going to Oktoberfest. One of my friends that I went with a couple of years ago is there now (Binz's roommate). The rides may seem pricey for an amusement park ride, but they are totally worth it, especially after some dancing and beer drinking in the fest halls to polka bands rocking to '80s music.

